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Elevator intelligent control and high-performance variable frequency drive technology are perfectly integrated Fuzzy control no load compensation start Self learning of rotating or static parameters of synchronous and asynchronous motors The target floor intelligently generates the best operation curve to realize direct docking CAN-bus full serial communication technology is adopted GPRS wireless remote monitoring technology based on Internet has the functions of remote debugging, fault diagnosis and so on It has the functions of parameter upload, download and copy, and supports the operation of battery powered power failure Comply with GB7588-2003 safety standard
Full serial CAN-bus communication, arm32-bit embedded CPU control The elevator selects all floors for calling and controls the number of floors to 60 The elevator control speed reaches 4m / s There are 8 group control elevators without group control board. The group control communication port between elevators can be directly connected Parameters of adjustable cab door motor of elevator manual operator The elevator manual operator can adjust the elevator in cabin